Domestic Violence Table of Montreal (TCVCM)
Committee Leader
Organize, coordinate and facilitate the committee's agenda and ensure timely follow-up.
Responsible for strategic planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of each committee's work plan.
Coordinate the capacity building of members of the organization: logistics, workshops, educational materials
Responsible for research, analysis and dissemination of the results of the working groups.
Reception and Connection for New Arrivals (ALPA)
Responsible for the housing files for refugees and asylum seekers
Identify individual, social and structural problems linked to the lack of accessible housing and create individual and collective strategies to reduce the impact on refugees and asylum seekers.
Design, facilitate and create interactive information materials on the right to housing in relation to immigration status.
Propose concrete solutions to the problems identified in collaboration with the people concerned.

Quebec Grouping of Help Centers to combat Sexual Assault (RQCALACS)
Responsible for the annual congress and the new visual image
Organize, coordinate and support the general coordinator in the regional tour for the five-year strategic planning.
Coordinate, design, monitor and implement a participatory process for the visual communication campaign: surveys, workshops, discussion forums
Organize, coordinate, lead the various committees in charge of the annual conference.
Participate and contribute to political and strategic reflection on anti-racism and intersectionality.
Popular Information Mobilization and Organization Project (POPIR)
Community Organiser
Act as spokesperson and representative on housing policy issues
Lead the various popular education committees and workshops related to the right to housing, in particular the committee for women of diverse cultural origins.
Participate in various regional, provincial and national consultation bodies.
Editorial director of the association's newspaper: LE CANAL.
Welcome Center for New Arrivals (CANA)
Executive Assistant and community worker
Assist the General Director with the organization's human resources, with interviews and selection processes.
Coordinate the various workshops and produce the calendar of activities.
Codify and classify financial documents according to established procedures.
Represent the organization in places of consultation and alliance.
Helping people complete their migration documents and directing them to appropriate services
Christian working Youth of Montreal (JOC)
Regional Coordinator
Design, develop, monitor and evaluate the various projects and collective actions of young people aimed at improving the employment situation.
Coordinate the organization's strategic and operational planning processes, as well as monitor their implementation.
Prepare management, results and impact reports for the movement at the national and international level.
Guarantee the development of a diverse, decentralized and sustainable structure, trained in human rights for the staff, members and activists.