Individual Therapy
The therapy or individual accompaniment helps us to know ourselves, to understand ourselves, and to express ourselves in a more assertive way to transform our relationships into more authentic and satisfying connections. It aims to release our locks, identify our limiting beliefs, and help us develop relational skills to cope with life’s challenges. In individual therapy, we develop a clearer and more honest vision of ourselves, which helps us identify the internal and external resources we have to reach our best potential, achieve our goals and achieve relationships much more rewarding.

Develop much more confidence in others and confidence in ourselves
Be more clear about our goals and objectives
Make tough decisions with greater sense of safety
Identify limiting beliefs and work through them
Living a fuller and more fulfilling life
Get rid of the inner judge and live with much more freedom
Build upwards after the great storms of life
Overcome anydifficulty to take action and stop procrastinating
Find more emotional independence and freedom in our relationships
Identify our defense mechanisms, name dysfunctional dynamics and be able to get out of them
Find a better emotional, mental, physicaland spiritual balance
Learn to prioritize ourselves without losing sight of the needs of others
Duration of sessions
60 minutes
Student fee
66$ CA
Regular rate
111$ CA
$ 999 pesos MX (Exchange rate of the day)
$ 666 MX (solidarity fee)
Receipts available for insurance purposes.